About us

Prosper Ngabonziza / Group Leader

Assistant Professor of Physics – Louisiana State University (2022~)

Ph.D., 2016 – The University of Twente, The Netherlands

Prosper Ngabonziza is an Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics & Astronomy of the Louisiana State University. After receiving a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc. in Physics) from the University of Rwanda (former National University of Rwanda), he completed with cum laude, in 2010, a postgraduate diploma in mathematical sciences at African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), under the University of Cape Town in South Africa. In 2012, he completed a Master’s degree with cum laude in experimental physics from the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.

He received in 2013 the S2A3 Bronze Medal awarded by the Southern Africa association for advancement of science to the best student who did a most meritorious master dissertation in a science department in South Africa. In 2016, he completed a PhD in engineering physics from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands. His PhD project was on topological insulators (TIs). He was combining thin film growth, characterizations and quantum transport studies of TIs. From October 2016, he was a Postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart-Germany, in the department of solid-state quantum electronics.

His research at Max Planck focused on quantum matter heterostructures fabricated from complex oxides with the goal to explore novel phenomena in devices fabricated from such heterostructures. After 6 years at Max Planck Institute, he joined the faculty at the Louisiana State University in 2022.

269 Nicholson Hall, Tower Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803


The S2A3 Bronze Medal

awarded by the Southern Africa association for advancement of science to the best student who did a most meritorious master dissertation in a science department in South Africa

Postdoc (coming soon)

Graduate Students (coming soon)

 join our Quantum

Heterostructures and Device Physics Lab. Interested candidates, who would like to pursue a PhD program at LSU with us or working as Postdoc,

People Talk About Me

Vivamus eget aliquam dui. Integer eu arcu vel arcu suscipit ultrices quis non mauris. Aenean scelerisque, sem eu dictum commodo, velit nisi blandit magna, quis scelerisque ipsum lectus ut libero.

Phasellus dignissim, tellus in pellentesque mollis, mauris orci dignissim nisl, id gravida nunc enim quis nibh. Maecenas convallis eros a ante.

Randy Reid

CEO, R & R

Phasellus dignissim, tellus in pellentesque mollis, mauris orci dignissim nisl, id gravida nunc enim quis nibh. Maecenas convallis eros a ante.

Eugene Hart

CEO, M & O

Phasellus dignissim, tellus in pellentesque mollis, mauris orci dignissim nisl, id gravida nunc enim quis nibh. Maecenas convallis eros a ante.

Michael Dening

CEO, O & S